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“I believe the most important single thing,
beyond discipline and creativity,
is daring to dare”
Maya Angelou
I interviewed Maya Angelou three times. What an inspiration! Her courageous, heartfelt writing, speaking, acting and campaigning lit up the whole world. One of my treasured possessions is a signed copy of her memoir I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings. I quote her in almost all my talks and workshops.
Maya’s aim in her great life was to be a rainbow in somebody else’s cloud. Below is a clip from a Maya Angelou Masterclass recorded for the Super Soul Sunday Oprah Show. It’s less than 2 minutes long. Take a time-out. Press play. You’ll be glad you did.
Try this exercise by Matthew Anderson today: There is a prayer that lives in the center of your heart. If you pray it, it will change your life. How does it begin?
- Robert Holden, Ph.D.