What Do You Have to Sacrifice for Success?
A Meditation on Success and Setting True Priorities

So many of us have grown up with parents who sacrificed themselves for the family, and who sacrificed their relationships with family, friends, and partners for their work. Our challenge is to make sure we do not repeat the same mistakes.
Success does require sacrifice.
Specifically, it requires sacrificing what is not important for what is.
With that in mind, I invite you to read the following inventory, taken from my book Success Intelligence.
In the name of success,
how many bedtime stories am I prepared to miss?
In the name of success,
how many family dinners am I happy to give up?
In the name of success,
how many dates with my partner can I afford to lose?
In the name of success,
how many friendships am I willing to discard?
In the name of success,
how many weekends have I resigned to throw away?
In the name of success,
how many school plays am I prepared to miss?
In the name of success,
how many kisses good bye will I not make time for?
In the name of success,
how many beautiful sunsets together will I sacrifice?
Tags: Relationships