Make Success Part of Your Spiritual Path
I first met Deepak Chopra in 1997, when we shared a platform together in Dublin. Deepak’s book The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success has been a big inspiration for me. He showed me that success can be spiritual and not just ego-based. As a tribute and thank-you to Deepak for his great book, I present to you The Seven Spiritual Lessons of Success.
Lesson 1: Success is having a daily spiritual practice.
I started practicing meditation when I was 18 years old. It’s the best thing I’ve done for myself. Having a daily spiritual practice … which I do daily! …. helps me to connect to Continue Reading
Why Are We So Obsessed With "More"
This week, a new documentary called The Abundance Code is released. I am one of fifteen people interviewed for this film that takes you on a 90-minute feature length journey from scarcity to abundance. Julia Anne Cairns is the inspiration behind this project. She interviewed me when I was in Australia for an
I CAN DO IT! tour hosted by Hay House. I remember enjoying the interview very much, and I’m thrilled the film is now out. It’s full of real wisdom, and refreshingly free of the normal “hype” that surrounds abundance.
Is there anybody on the planet who does not want to be abundant? Imagine someone turning down an offer of abundance. “Would you like some abundance, ma’am?” “No thanks.” Most rare, I say. The real question is… Continue Reading
I’m in Milan, Italy today coaching a team of leaders who are responsible for three global brands that are each the No.1 brand in their field.
We began the day by reviewing the question, “What is success?” As ever, the conversation was interesting, informative, and helpful.
“What is success?” is a good question.
After that, we explored the question, “What is REAL success?”
This time the conversation went to a whole new level. It was illuminating, energizing, and revelatory. “What is REAL success?” is a great question. Continue Reading
A Meditation on Success and Setting True Priorities
Today the Success Intelligence team is hosting a half-day master- class on Success Intelligence in the heart of London. Ben Renshaw and I are co-presenting. One of the themes we will explore today is relationships are the heart of success.
So many of us have grown up with parents who sacrificed themselves for the family, and who sacrificed their relationships with family, friends, and partners for their work. Our challenge is to make sure we do not repeat the same mistakes.
Success does require sacrifice. Continue Reading
Success Intelligence: Your Real Work
On January 28th-30th, I co-facilitated with Ben Renshaw and Avril Carson a public workshop called Success Intelligence: Living a Life you Love. Approximately 50 people attended the workshop. They were from all walks of life including media, politics, art, health-care, education, and business. For three days, we immersed ourselves in a rich inquiry into the nature of authentic success.
In the week before the workshop, I came across some words attributed to Roger Ebert. They read: “What you do instead of your work is your real work.” These words made me stop in my tracks. I felt an uneasy sensation in my stomach. At the same time a loud “bong” sounded off inside my head, one like you hear at the start of a Universal Pictures movie. I used Roger’s words to do an on-the-spot inventory on my life. The first question on my inventory was: What is the real work of my life? Continue Reading