“I believe the most important single thing,
beyond discipline and creativity,
is daring to dare”
Maya Angelou
I interviewed Maya Angelou three times. What an inspiration! Her courageous, heartfelt writing, speaking, acting and campaigning lit up the whole world. One of my treasured possessions is a signed copy of her memoir I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings. I quote her in almost all my talks and workshops.
Maya’s aim in her great life was to be a rainbow in somebody else’s cloud. Below is a clip from a Maya Angelou Masterclass recorded for the Super Soul Sunday Oprah Show. It’s less than 2 minutes long. Take a time-out. Press play. You’ll be glad you did.
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Listen and Restore Your Inner Voice
My family and I are enjoying a Family Experience Week in beautiful Findhorn, an eco-village and spiritual community in Scotland. We’ve been working in the Original Garden, where Findhorn began, weeding flowerbeds, clearing pine cones, harvesting St. John’s wort (for medicinal tea), picking blueberries and raspberries. The children painted a rainbow mural on the shed in the Flower Garden. We’ve built a campfire by the River Findhorn, swam in the river and the sea, cooked in the community kitchen, and star-gazed at the big black sky at night.
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The Most Complete Sermon on Love
Stevie Wonder’s songs are not just songs; they are wisdom poems, meditations, and a call to action. His music and lyrics help me to face my fears – Superstition ain’t the way. His song As describes unconditional love perfectly – Did you know that true love asks for nothing / Her acceptance is the way we pay. When I listen to a Stevie Wonder song, I am inspired to be more of the person I want to be. Stevie Wonder is my life coach!
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Make Success Part of Your Spiritual Path
I first met Deepak Chopra in 1997, when we shared a platform together in Dublin. Deepak’s book The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success has been a big inspiration for me. He showed me that success can be spiritual and not just ego-based. As a tribute and thank-you to Deepak for his great book, I present to you The Seven Spiritual Lessons of Success.
Lesson 1: Success is having a daily spiritual practice.
I started practicing meditation when I was 18 years old. It’s the best thing I’ve done for myself. Having a daily spiritual practice … which I do daily! …. helps me to connect to Continue Reading
One of my main goals as a coach is to help my client identify a “living question” that he or she can use as a North Star to guide them in their life now and into the near future. A really good question has the answers you most need to hear!
Here are nine of my favourite questions I ask myself and my coaching clients when exploring life-purpose. These questions correspond to the nine points of the Enneagram. I encourage you Continue Reading

One of my favourite traditions at Christmas is seeing a theatre production of A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens. Last year, I took my friends David Hamilton and Nick Williams to see Simon Callow in his one-man play. One year, I took twelve family and friends to see Patrick Stewart’s one-man show at the Albery Theatre, London. Last weekend, Hollie and I went to the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon to see David Edgar’s adaptation. This Friday we go to the Old Vic Theatre to see Rhys Ifans play Ebenezer Scrooge. You get the picture, right!
A Christmas Carol was published on 19th December 1843. The first edition sold out by Christmas Eve. It is one of the most loved short stories ever written. Like all great literature, you can read it as a psychology paper, a political commentary and… Continue Reading