Posts Tagged ‘Success’

3 Essential Traits of Leaders

How to Take the Lead in Your Life

For the last two years the Success Intelligence team has been running a leadership program for 1,000 people. Today, Ben Renshaw and I are facilitating our sixth event for these leaders. Leadership is evolving now. One of the key messages of our program is: leadership is no longer the prerogative of a few; it is the responsibility of us all.

Some people switch off when they see the word “Leadership.” And yet, real leadership is relevant to everyone. In essence, leadership isn’t just about titles, positions, pay grades, and a job of work; it’s much more interesting than that. Leadership is about how you show up; living from your heart; and allowing yourself to be inspired. Continue Reading

Joy of the Enneagram

My Keynote at the IEA Conference

by Robert Holden, Ph.D

I am in Las Vegas this weekend to give the opening keynote at the annual conference for the International Enneagram Association (IEA). I feel honoured to be asked to give the keynote and I am looking forward to taking in a number of lectures given by leading teachers of the Enneagram including Russ Hudson, Jessica Dibb, David Daniels, Helen Palmer, Tom Condon, and Marika Borg.

My friend Marika Borg introduced me to the Enneagram one fine day in Helsinki in 2003. I consider the Enneagram to be one of the most effective psycho-spiritual models for healing and Continue Reading

Everyday Abundance: Being On Purpose

by Robert Holden, Ph.D
This evening I will be giving a talk on Everyday Abundance at One Spirit in New York. One of the themes I will focus on is the relationship between abundance and living a life of purpose. I notice that when I feel I am on purpose I want for nothing else. Continue Reading

Everyday Abundance: A Rich Man

A Poem About The Relationship Between Happiness And Abundance

by Robert Holden, Ph.D
When I prepare for a workshop I give, I often find that my thoughts turn to poetry. Not exactly sure why; it just happens that way. At the Everyday Abundance workshop, I shared a number of personal poems that address the relationship between happiness and abundance. Here is one of them. It is called “A Rich Man.” I hope you enjoy it.

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10 Characteristics of the Entrepreneurial Spirit

How to Release it Even More In Your Life

If I were to ask you, “Are you an entrepreneur?” what would you say?

“Yes” or “No?”

“Maybe” is not an option.

If your answer is “Yes,” how so? What makes you an entrepreneur? Be specific now! How would you describe the tell-tale signs of entrepreneurial spirit in you?

If your answer is “No,” I recommend that you take a closer look at your life, your work, and your relationships. Maybe entrepreneurship is so natural to you that you haven’t thought of giving a name to it. It’s just who you are; and you just do it!

So What is an Entrepreneur?

It sounds a bit French, doesn’t it! And what is the entrepreneurial spirit? Well, here are ten symptoms that I have come up with which might help you to recognize it in you and release it even more into our life. Continue Reading

Everyday Abundance: Abundance is not an “It”

A Poem

by Robert Holden, Ph.D
On February 27th-28th, I facilitated a workshop on Everyday Abundance at the Columbia Hotel, London. For two days, a room full of people, who came from all walks of life, explored some big themes including definitions of real abundance, blocks to real abundance, and also what can enable greater abundance.

I put this workshop on now, in the middle of this economic recession, because I believe we are each being called to reflect on what is of real value in our lives. The workshop was a wonderful occasion, and one that I personally got a lot out of. It was full of deep realizations, rich sharings, helpful conversations, and new commitments going forward.

The Everyday Abundance workshop started with a reading by Avril Carson and Lizzie Prior of a poem I wrote called True Abundance. This poem set the tone for our workshop. Here it is: Continue Reading